ООН: новости из Рабочей группы открытого состава по старению

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Новый координатор Группы — г-жа Эллен Грэм, работавшая прежде в HelpAge International. 5-7 июля с.г. в ООН (Нью-Йорк) пройдут заседания 8-ой сессии этой Группы, которые будут посвящены темам равенства и недискриминации пожилых людей, а также насилию, безнадзорности и злоупотреблений в отношении пожилых. Группа работает над достижением Конвенции ООН о правах пожилых людей
Фонд «Доброе Дело» имеет аккредитацию при этой Группе, обладая специальным консультативным статусом в ООН с 2012 года.

Dear GAROP Members,

It is with great pleasure that we are able to introduce you to our new GAROP Coordinator, Ellen Graham. Ellen may be familiar to some of you, having worked with HelpAge International as its European network coordinator. Ellen’s familiarity with the Open-Ended Working Group, her understanding of the rights agenda and her knowledge of the ageing sector will all help us enormously to work better together to achieve a convention for the rights of older people.

Ellen’s appointment comes at a good time, as the Open-Ended Working Group has just confirmed both the dates for the next meeting – 5-7 July 2017 – and the two themes that the 8th Session will focus on: Equality and Non-discrimination; and Violence, Neglect and Abuse.

The Chair of the Open-Ended Working Group has invited accredited non-governmental organisations to give input by responding to guiding questions that the OEWG Bureau has provided here: https://social.un.org/ageing-working-group/eighthsession.shtml. The deadline for submissions is 5 May 2017.

Ellen will send out further materials to help you prepare and engage with your governments and other stakeholders.

Finally, for those organisations who are planning on attending the 8th Session of the OEWG in NY (and we hope it will be many!) please set aside the 3rd July for a preparatory meeting and the 8th July for a GAROP members meeting to discuss next steps.

We look forward to working with you over the coming months and hope that together we can achieve significant progress.

Best wishes,

Kate Wedgwood, HelpAge International

Ken Bluestone, Age International

Co-Chairs of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People

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